plump up

美 [plʌmp ʌp]英 [plʌmp ʌp]
  • (通过摇抖或拍打)使膨松,使松软鼓起
plump upplump up


make fuller by shaking
fluff up the pillows
Synonym: fluff up shake up


  1. They are also starting to band together to cut costs and plump up their capital cushions .


  2. Now my cheeks are beginning to plump up .


  3. Use a moisturizer on the outside of your skin to hydrate , plump up skin cells and stimulate the production of collagen .


  4. Unlike most earlier low-cost efforts , JetBlue 's planes will include 24 business seats which should plump up margins .


  5. Also , we can make full use of ancient and famous trees , which is not recyclable resource , to plump up the money bag as the maintenance costs .


  6. Humectants trap water and plump up the stratum corneum , making it softer and smoother without adding oiliness or shine .


  7. It 's the wedding season in Japan but instead of opting for a small event in tough times , couples can rent fake family , friends and colleagues to plump up the guest list .


  8. Here the luscious grass and sweet water plump them up , like roly-poly dolls . The use of natural fertilizer can bring the crops on nicer than the use of chemical fertilizer .


  9. His cheeks are beginning to plump out / up .


  10. If your lips are starting to get a little bit pursed , they have lines , or they look a little deflated , that 's definitely from dehydration and some lip balms do not penetrate the lips enough to rehydrate them or plump them back up .


  11. The steam will cause the , the humectant properties of the honey or the moisturizing properties of the coconut oil to sort of penetrate your skin and plump the area back up .


  12. In Chinese landscape painting , if the color want to be deep-rooted with the ink and converse between them , the key lies in how to make it in the cultural and spiritual dimensions of endoplasmic up plump and heavy progressive up .
